
Our cytology services help you to determine when your dog is ready to breed, using our professional and highest-industry standard equipment. For dog owners who want to know when their dog is ovulating – or where in the ovulation cycle their dog is – our cytology services can give an exact reading from a sample with minimal time-investment or hormonal tracking which other companies might employ. We’re easily accessible from West Fife and the surrounding areas, so for all of your urgent ovulation readings, we’re here to help. We offer flexible hours and will always work around our clients’ – and importantly, their dogs’ – needs and can also work late nights and weekends.

Our cytology process involves taking a blood sample from your dog’s vulva in a harmless procedure before inspection. We use professional medical microscopes to evaluate the sample where we check for signs of ovulation and are able to give a reading almost immediately. Our services are perfect for dog owners who need a quick reading of their dog’s ovulation process and can tell you exactly when your dog is ready to breed to give you an idea of when your dog should be mated for optimum chance of pregnancy. If you’re in need of cytology services, get in touch today.